剧情片 > 大卫与歌利亚 > 正片



奥逊·威尔斯,费迪南多·巴尔迪,Rich 奥逊·威尔斯伊维察·帕耶尔埃莱奥若拉·罗西·德拉哥马西姆·塞拉托 剧情片 意大利 1960 查看整部剧情
  The story of the film is adapted from the Old Testament: The Philistines declare war on the Israelites and wrench the Arch of the Alliance from them. Saul, the king of Israel, listens meanwhile to the words of the prophets who tell him that the new king will be a young Shepard called David. But still David has to fight the enemy in form of their mighty giant Goliath.
